REST API for App

We offer a REST API on all plans so you can integrate your application with our service.

Bulk message

For updates or marketing messages, we support sending bulk messages.

Schedule message

We eliminate the worry of forgetting with scheduled messages. Schedule messages for birthdays, holid...

Auto Responder (BOT)

We offer autoresponders to keep you in touch with your customers 24/7 and reduce the cost of custome...

Actions buttons

WhatsApp allows you to add buttons to message templates. There are two types of buttons: Quick Reply...

Template messaging

Templates for quick responses.

Why choose Suku WA 🎖️


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Frequently asked questions 📣

Yes, we support scheduled WhatsApp messages.

Yes, we allow you to send bulk messages to your customers via WhatsApp.

Yes, we offer a free plan so you can try out our service.

No. Free plans and trials do not require credit card details.

Your subscription will end at the end of your free trial period. You will not be charged automatically, but you can purchase a service plan if you wish.

Revolutionise your restaurant operations with WhatsApp-based ordering, meal and add-on recommendations, payments and real-time delivery updates.

Boost digital finance adoption with instant balance inquiries, portfolio recommendations, hassle-free claims settlement, cross-sell and more.

Yes, If you are unhappy with our service, we offer 14 days money-back guarantee on any plan.

No. Free plans and trials do not require credit card details.

A chatbot is always available to serve your customer 24/7. A chatbot can save you a lot of time and money by automating repetitive tasks like qualifying leads or answering questions of your customers. By offering instatily response to your customer, your business will build trust and boost conversions and sales.